the freak comes out at night

oh yes she does. vet inte vad jag ska skriva. tycker det är fruktansvärt. kommentarerna på digg.com (icke fashion-related...) skriver bland annat:

"Scarrier than ever? The pale coked out look is the new tan...get with it"

"She just has bad lighting and bad eye make up.
She is just the right weight and dressed hot."

"GAH! My eyes!!! The goggles do nothing!!!!"

"$5 says they are the next Michael Jackson. They're insane money will make them more and more bizarre over the years until they live in a fortress and look like E.T."

"Ok, c'mon now, seriously. I know gothic transvestites that look *way* better than that."

"OK, I'm working on a theory here. It involves the Olsen twins having died several years ago in a heroin-related gunfight, and the evil lifeforce that is Full House animating their undead bodies. I'm still working out the details. I fear I may already know too much."

"So I guess anorexia and crack really are bad for you huh?"

"Something's terribly wrong with that poor girl."

"it's kinda sad. both her & her sister were really pretty at one stage, the focus of much (in)appropriate lusting n'all. it's sad that they seem to have some kind of eating disorder or something along those lines & sad that they seem to think they look good & sad that the whole tawdry thing is exhibited in public."

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