anorexia nervosa - who wants a cookie?

kollade på en dokumentär på tv3 i kväll. var ett bbc-producerat program om anorexia. två av flickorna som var med hade grava problem. en av dem försökte ta livet av sig efter en tids självsvält - den andra hurrade efter att ha nåt 54.4 kilogram (hon var cirka 175cm).

undrar hur jag hade agerat ifall min unge haft anorexia. dokumentären berättade om tjejer (och killar) som bloggar om sitt liv och viktraset. det är, för en oförstående, helt redlöst... nedan ett utdrag.

"i went 46 hours without food... came home from work.... and Lyle had a veggie stir-fry for me. HoW SweeT!! obviously i ReallY didnt want to eat it because it was going to break my fasting streak... but he did it just for me and i didnt want him to think anything of my eatting habbits. especially not right now.

but the good news is... i went tanning after work and used the escuse of taking a shower after i ate. of corse i purged. and it was an easy one thank goodness! i got it all up and drank a bunch of water afterwards. so basically im still kinda fasting. but anyways..... today is another day and tomorrow ill be lighter.

today is also my 1 month mark since "attempting" to lose the weight gained in treatment. christmas day i was a DISGUSTING 131!! so ive lost 9.4 lbs since then.... and wasnt giving it my all the entire time. its almost like i would do semi good for 2 days, then binge for three.... and then do it all over again. well not now! im 2 lbs away from my goal weight. next is 115, then 110. and if i can lost almost 10 in one month without trying REALLY hard.... then i can reach my GW of 110 in no time. food still sounds really grose. id rather chose water of it anyday.

i feel so good!! im finally not letting my family affect me and doing things the way i want/need to. i work today at 2 till 9. i have a crap load of hunger panges but they will pass. green tea, black coffee and water is the way to go BABY!

how is everyone doing today?? cant wait to hear all about it :)"

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