obama pushes deadline for iraq pullout

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obamasaid Tuesday U.S. combat forces should be out of Iraq by spring 2008 to end "a foreign policy disaster" but he stopped short of endorsing a cutoff in funds.

The Illinois senator introduced a bill to force the redeployment under law, but that's unlikely while Bush is president. Still, Obama said he's taking Bush up on his challenge to critics to offer alternatives.

"It is important at this point that Congress offer specific constructive approaches to what's proven to be a foreign policy disaster," Obama said in an interview with The Associated Press, "because we've got too much at stake to simply stand on the sidelines and criticize."

Obama's bill would cap troop levels in Iraq at the early January level of around 130,000, when Bush announced he would send 21,500 additional U.S. forces to Iraq. It would require that troops begin coming home on May 1 with the goal of removing all combat brigades by March 31, 2008.

"If we simply cut off funding without any structure for how a redeployment takes place, then you could genuinely have a Constitutional crisis or at least a crisis on the ground where the president continues to send troops there but now they're being shortchanged in terms of armaments and support," Obama said.

Some legal scholars question whether Congress has the authority to bring troops home because the president has control of military forces.

Obama noted that he taught constitutional law for 10 years and rejected the notion that the congressional authorization for war in 2002 gives Bush "carte blanche to proceed in any way."

"The notion that as a consequence of that authorization, the president can continue down a failed path without any constraints from Congress whatsoever is wrong and is not warranted by our Constitution," Obama said in a 10-minute telephone call.

Obama said troops should be sent to three locations — home to the United States, in countries around Iraq to prevent regional conflict and to Afghanistan, which he said is in danger of falling back to the Taliban.

The bill also would place conditions on economic aid to Iraq and would allow for a temporary suspension of the redeployment if the Iraqis meet security, political and economic benchmarks.

Obama said he thinks his bill could get bipartisan support, but he doesn't have any co-sponsors yet.

with every heartbeat i pound that book

hittade en real interesting artikel om bibliotekens vara eller inte vara. konkurrensen från internet finns ju som sagt där. google jobbar på sin book search men frågan är väl vad som händer i framtiden.

degreetutor.com har tänkt vidare på detta och även om jag inte tror på samma utgång som dom så är det en tankeväckare.

värdesätt ditt bibliotek motherfucker!


what is happiness to you?

dansade till en hiphop-låt i lördags. är faktiskt den enda bra urban låt jag hört på ett fucking långt tag. gimme that revival, skateboard p!

klicka här för att ladda ner den i mp3-format.

annars lyssnar jag mest på electro och vocal house just nu. favoriten för stunden är 'zero 7 - home (ben watt remix)'. var väl fyra år sen jag hörde den senast. feels good to be home. dansar lite till en gammal goding - 'underworld - rez'. minns scenen i vanilla sky.

var länge sen jag kollade på vanilla sky.

where the memories been at?

picture of the day

can't believe people actually still protest against hbt. can't say homo sex is great (never tried the intercourse part) but protesting against it? come on, people... is freedom of choice only for straight fuckers?

color me color you

Det var verkligen en minimal nyhet som Apple i dag stängde hela sin onlinebutik för i över två timmar. För under den rosa, gröna, orangea eller blåa ytan finns inget nytt. Den ursprunliga silvermodellen finns också kvar i sortimentet och antalet låtar som kan lagras är fortfarande maximalt 240.

party like it is 1959

The city of Miami is planning an official celebration at the Orange Bowl whenever Cuban president Fidel Castro dies.

Discussions by a committee appointed earlier this month by the city commission to plan the event have even covered issues such as a theme to be printed on T-shirts, what musicians would perform, the cost and how long the celebration would last.

Such a gathering has long been part of the city's plan for Castro's death, but firming up the specifics has been more urgent since Castro became ill last summer and turned over power to his brother, Raul.

City Commissioner Tomas Regalado, a Cuban American, came up with the idea of using the Orange Bowl, noting the stadium was the site of a speech by President Kennedy in 1961 promising a free Cuba. (Castro seized power in 1959.)

In the 1980s the Orange Bowl served as a camp for refugees from the Mariel boatlift from Cuba, he added.

"Basically, the only thing we're trying to do is have a venue, a giant venue ready for people, if they wish, to speak to the media, to show their emotions. It's not that we're doing an official death party," Regalado said Monday.

Former state Rep. Luis Morse stressed the need for an uplifting theme for the party -- one not preoccupied with a human being's passing.

Critics have accused the city of dictating where people should party, with many preferring to celebrate on the streets of Little Havana. The city says the Orange Bowl celebration would not preclude that.

"This is not a mandatory site," Regalado said of the Orange Bowl. "Just a place for people to gather."

Ramon Saul Sanchez, leader of the Miami-based Democracy Movement organization, worries about how a party to celebrate a man's death would be perceived by people outside the Cuban exile community.

Sanchez also pointed out that, even after Castro dies, his communist government still will be in place.

"The notion of a big party, I think, should be removed from all this," Sanchez said.

"Although everybody will be very happy that the dictator cannot continue to oppress us himself," he added, "I think everybody is still very sad because there are still prisons full of prisoners, many people executed, and families divided."

welcome to the future

gukanjima, a city built on a reef in the 19th century, is now empty. amazing pictures, taken from archibase.


oprah noodlemantra and other things

johnny depp kallas ibland för oprah noodlemantra. har ingen aning varför. gael garcia bernals nya film finns att ladda ner nu (i dvd-rip). den verkar helt wicked. ska kolla i kväll. du kan ladda ner den här.


kill marit bergman

elle-galan är ett skämt.


they say history repeats itself (in serbia, that is)

Söndagens val i Serbien kallades i förväg det viktigaste sedan Slobodan Milosevics auktoritära regim störtades för drygt sex år sedan - ett val mellan integration med Europa eller isolering, mellan nytt och gammalt.

De första prognoserna sent på söndagskvällen visade att det ultranationalistiska Radikala partiet, SRS, fick flest röster, precis som vid det förra valet för tre år sedan. Partiet fick nu 28,5 procent, en ökning med en procentenhet.

- Radikala partiet är valets segrare, sade Tomislav Nikolic på söndagskvällen. Nikolic leder Radikalerna eftersom ordföranden Vojislav Seselj finns i en cell vid FN:s krigsförbrytartribunal i Haag, åtalad för brott under 90-talets blodiga krig på Balkan.

Samtidigt ökade det reform- och västinriktade Demokratiska partiet, DS, sin röstandel till knappt 23 procent (+10). Premiärminister Vojislav Kostunicas konservativa Serbiens demokratiska parti, DSS, låg på 17 procent (-0,3).

Tre mindre partier såg ut att klara 5-procentspärren - det ekonomiskt inriktade G17 Plus med 6,8 procent, Milosevics tidigare maktparti Socialisterna med 6,1 procent och Liberaldemokraterna, LDK, med 5 procent.

Den nuvarande premiärministern Kostunica kan nu bli nyckelperson när de komplicerade förhandlingarna om en ny regeringskoalition börjar. Kostunica har i förväg inte uteslutit samarbete med något parti. På söndagskvällen ville Kostunica inte diskutera regeringsalternativ.

- Det här är inte rätt tillfälle att diskutera vem som kan styra med vem, sade han enligt brittiska BBC.

Ett möjligt regeringsalternativ är en koalition där DS och DSS spelar huvudrollerna. Partierna har tidigare regerat tillsammans i den allians som tog över efter Milosevics fall. Men relationen mellan partiledarna Boris Radic och Kostunica har sedan dess blivit svalare.

Sveriges utrikesminister Carl Bildt betonade för nyhetsbyrån TT att Demokratiska partiet DS trots allt gått framåt.

- Det är en seger för de demokratiska partierna och det har vi anledning att välkomna, Men det artar sig till en komplicerad regeringsbildning. Både de radikala och socialisterna gick bättre än väntat, sade Bildt.
Om inte partierna kan enas om en ny regering inom tre månader blir det nyval.

- Ingenting kan ju uteslutas, men nu måste vi ändå först avvakta regeringsförhandlingarna, sade Bildt.

Nästa serbiska regering står inför många beslut på de ekonomiska och sociala områdena. Men det är två internationella frågor som kan bli de hetaste. Den ena handlar om den bosnienserbiske befälhavaren Ratko Mladic som ännu inte gripits och överlämnats till FN:s krigsförbrytardomstol i Haag. Den andra handlar om Kosovos framtid.

EU avbröt i våras förhandlingarna med Belgrad om ett närmare samarbete eftersom Mladic ännu är på fri fot. Framför allt Demokratiska partiet har sagt att man tänker göra allt för att få fart på samtalen igen.

Samtidigt är frågan om Kosovos framtid på väg upp på den internationella dagordningen.

Kosovo är fortfarande formellt en del av Serbien, men styrs sedan kriget 1999 av FN. Kosovoalbanerna utgör 90 procent av regionens 2 miljoner invånare, och för dem är självständighet det enda målet, medan Belgrad kräver att Kosovo ska förbli en del av Serbien. FN-medlaren Martti Ahtisaari väntas, enligt internationella medier, inom kort föreslå att Kosovo får en sorts begränsad självständighet med fortsatt internationell närvaro.

Hur olika Kosovos invånare lever märktes tydligt på söndagen. De runt 100.000 kosovoserberna deltog i det serbiska valet, och i den strikt delade staden Mitrovicas serbiska norra del strömmade väljare till en vallokal som DN besökte.

- När Kosovos framtid avgörs måste rätt personer sitta i regeringen, sade Rade Negojevic på väg in i vallokalen.

- Om Kosovo blir självständigt kommer många serber att flytta härifrån, menade Jelena Antic när hon lagt sin röst.

I Mitrovicas albanska del, söder om floden Ibar, märktes däremot inte det serbiska valet.

- Jag bryr mig inte om Serbien. Det viktiga är att Kosovo blir självständigt, sade en ung kvinna.

Och samtidigt som serberna röstade högtidlighöll albanerna i Kosovos huvudstad Pristina på söndagen årsdagen av den tidigare presidenten Ibrahim Rugovas död med minnesstund och konserter.

Valdeltagandet var runt 60 procent, vilket är en hög siffra för Serbien.

anorexia nervosa - who wants a cookie?

kollade på en dokumentär på tv3 i kväll. var ett bbc-producerat program om anorexia. två av flickorna som var med hade grava problem. en av dem försökte ta livet av sig efter en tids självsvält - den andra hurrade efter att ha nåt 54.4 kilogram (hon var cirka 175cm).

undrar hur jag hade agerat ifall min unge haft anorexia. dokumentären berättade om tjejer (och killar) som bloggar om sitt liv och viktraset. det är, för en oförstående, helt redlöst... nedan ett utdrag.

"i went 46 hours without food... came home from work.... and Lyle had a veggie stir-fry for me. HoW SweeT!! obviously i ReallY didnt want to eat it because it was going to break my fasting streak... but he did it just for me and i didnt want him to think anything of my eatting habbits. especially not right now.

but the good news is... i went tanning after work and used the escuse of taking a shower after i ate. of corse i purged. and it was an easy one thank goodness! i got it all up and drank a bunch of water afterwards. so basically im still kinda fasting. but anyways..... today is another day and tomorrow ill be lighter.

today is also my 1 month mark since "attempting" to lose the weight gained in treatment. christmas day i was a DISGUSTING 131!! so ive lost 9.4 lbs since then.... and wasnt giving it my all the entire time. its almost like i would do semi good for 2 days, then binge for three.... and then do it all over again. well not now! im 2 lbs away from my goal weight. next is 115, then 110. and if i can lost almost 10 in one month without trying REALLY hard.... then i can reach my GW of 110 in no time. food still sounds really grose. id rather chose water of it anyday.

i feel so good!! im finally not letting my family affect me and doing things the way i want/need to. i work today at 2 till 9. i have a crap load of hunger panges but they will pass. green tea, black coffee and water is the way to go BABY!

how is everyone doing today?? cant wait to hear all about it :)"


electronic battle weapon

lyssnar på chemical brothers nya singel, electronic battle weapon 9. finns en nummer 8 också men jag diggar inte den lika mycket.

welcome back house.

ordering too many books

snurrar runt på b-uppsatsen. beställer lite för många böcker. gräver fram det mesta jag kan hitta om israel 1947-1967; suffice to say, there are plenty of material. hittade en bok på studentlitteratur.se som är väl värd att digga. svårigheten med att beställa från adlibris.se är att det inte finns en preview (som det finns på amazon.com).

jagar vidare, så har ni nåt tips, hör av er.

obama bites back and i'm all for it!

taken from horses mouth politics blog.

If this is a sign of how Barack Obama intends to deal with the right-wing media during his Presidential campaign, then I'm all for it.

Obama is aggressively going after Fox News today for pushing that smear-job report claiming that he went to an Islamic “madrassa” school as a child. The report has already been completely debunked by CNN, but Obama isn't letting up. The Senator's office has just emailed out a blistering memo targeting Fox that says the following:

In the past week, many of you have read a now thoroughly-debunked story by Insight Magazine, owned by the Washington Times, which cites unnamed sources close to a political campaign that claim Senator Obama was enrolled for “at least four years” in an Indonesian “Madrassa”. The article says the “sources” believe the Madrassa was “espousing Wahhabism,” a form of radical Islam.

Insight Magazine published these allegations without a single named source, and without doing any independent reporting to confirm or deny the allegations. Fox News quickly parroted the charges, and Fox and Friends host Steve Doocy went so far as to ask, “Why didn’t anybody ever mention that that man right there was raised — spent the first decade of his life, raised by his Muslim father — as a Muslim and was educated in a Madrassa?”

All of the claims about Senator Obama raised in the Insight Magazine piece were thoroughly debunked by CNN, which, instead of relying on unnamed sources, sent a reporter to Obama’s former school in Jakarta to check the facts.

If Doocy or the staff at Fox and Friends had taken [time] to check their facts, or simply made a call to his office, they would have learned that Senator Obama was not educated in a Madrassa, was not raised as a Muslim, and was not raised by his father – an atheist Obama met once in his life before he died.

Later in the day, Fox News host John Gibson again discussed the Insight Magazine story without any attempt to independently confirm the charges.

All of the claims about Senator Obama’s faith and education raised in the Insight Magazine story and repeated on Fox News are false. Senator Obama was raised in a secular household in Indonesia by his stepfather and mother. Obama’s stepfather worked for a U.S. oil company, and sent his stepson to two years of Catholic school, as well as two years of public school. As Obama described it, “Without the money to go to the international school that most expatriate children attended, I went to local Indonesian schools and ran the streets with the children of farmers, servants, tailors, and clerks.” [The Audacity of Hope, p. 274]

To be clear, Senator Obama has never been a Muslim, was not raised a Muslim, and is a committed Christian who attends the United Church of Christ in Chicago. Furthermore, the Indonesian school Obama attended in Jakarta is a public school that is not and never has been a Madrassa.

These malicious, irresponsible charges are precisely the kind of politics the American people have grown tired of, and that Senator Obama is trying to change by focusing on bringing people together to solve our common problems.

This is exactly the right thing to do: Take these guys on very aggressively, and above all, single out by name the people who are lying about you. Wrap their lies around their necks.

Let's hope we see lots more of this.

new photos

some new photos that i've taken.


on borat and israel

By Joel Leyden

Israel News Agency

Jerusalem ---- January 16, 2007..... Every so often we are enlightened with a truly "gifted" movie.
A cinematic Hollywood adventure which actually make us think, laugh and even shed a tear.
Borat - Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan is one such movie.

Borat is a movie about a fictional Kazakh TV news reporter who is dispatched to the United States to report on the "greatest country in the world." British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen plays the role of Borat who leads a documentary crew around the US and becomes obsessed in marrying Pamela Anderson.

Cohen, who wrote part of screenplay and Larry Charles who directed Borat, created a film which has made many smile. In the movie's first week Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan took in $26.5 million from around 1,100 screens at 837 theaters, boasting the highest-grossing wide opening ever for a picture playing at less than 1,100 theaters.
As of this news report, Borat has grossed over 200 million.

But Cohen's true agenda was to unmask American arrogance, ignorance and prejudice.

America is arrogant. But so is Israel, Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, Iran and other nations which wrap themselves up in nationalistic cloth. But the US makes the sweetest target. It is the largest, most powerful nation on Earth. The distinction though between the US and Iran, China, Syria and Saudi Arabia, is that the US practices free speech. The US is able to laugh at itself and even provide Borat and Cohen with a prestigious award for creative excellence.

America accepted Borat's sarcastic, Groucho Marx style joke and criticism by bestowing upon Cohen last night a Golden Globe for best actor in a comedy.

Why was Borat or Cohen so successful? Because it fed into the perceptions that average Americans have about a third world country i.e. - Kazakhstan. It also fed into the average American psyche on Jews.

In the role of Borat, Cohen comes off as deeply anti-Semitic. He "reports" from Kazakhstan on the "Running of the Jew" a farce taken from Pamplona, Spain and it's legendary Running With the Bulls.
This scenario played itself out in real life recently after an Israel soccer team won a match against Paris Saint-German. A mob of up to 300 attackers chased four French Jews screaming "Death to the Jew." The four ran in different directions and one Jew was cornered alongside a black plainclothes police officer who had bravely come to his aid. When his tear gas failed to dissuade the attackers, he fired one warning shot in the air, which apparently hit two of the mob, later resulting in the death of one.

Borat is also seen hunting and asked in an interview if it was legal to shoot Jews, to which his host replied that he would have no problem with that although others would. At a dog pound he asked his host if he could test if a dog was trained. He had the interviewee place a finger on each side of her head (like a horn) and say Shalom, then he told the dog: "Attack! Attack the Jew."

But as many are laughing at Borat, the real last laugh is coming from Cohen.

No one knows this fact better than movie goers in Israel. What many believe what Borat is speaking is Kazakh, it is actually Hebrew.

The 35-year-old British comedian is no stranger to Israel. He is an observant Jew, his mother was born in Israel and his grandmother still lives in Haifa. In high school, he belonged to a Zionist Jewish youth group, Habonim Dror, and upon graduation spent a year working and studying on a kibbutz, or collective farm, in northern Israel. Cohen has since returned for several visits, his Hebrew is excellent and he has a good understanding of Israel culture.

"By himself being anti-Semitic, Borat lets people lower their guard and expose their own prejudice," Cohen said.

Some American Jews fear Cohen's potent humor will go over people's heads and reinforce bigotry.

On September 28, The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) issued the following statement on Sacha Baron Cohen's new film, "Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan" starring his farcical anti-Semitic character "Borat" in the lead role:

"The premiere of Sacha Baron Cohen's new film featuring his farcical character "Borat" has raised anew concerns among some in the Jewish community about the character's notoriously boastful expressions of anti-Semitism and stereotyping of others. When approaching this film, one has to understand that there is absolutely no intent on the part of the filmmakers to offend, and no malevolence on the part of Sacha Baron Cohen, who is himself proudly Jewish. We hope that everyone who chooses to see the film understands Mr. Cohen's comedic technique, which is to use humor to unmask the absurd and irrational side of anti-Semitism and other phobias born of ignorance and fear."

The ADL news release continues: "We are concerned, however, that one serious pitfall is that the audience may not always be sophisticated enough to get the joke, and that some may even find it reinforcing their bigotry. While Mr. Cohen's brand of humor may be tasteless and even offensive to some, we understand that the intent is to dash stereotypes, not to perpetuate them. It is our hope that everyone in the audience will come away with an understanding that some types of comedy that work well on screen do not necessarily translate well in the real world -- especially when attempted on others through retelling or mimicry. It is unfortunate that Mr. Cohen chose to make jokes at the expense of Kazakhstan. It would have been better to have used a mythological country, rather than focus on a specific nation."

The Israel News Agency supports the ADL which has been confronting anti-Semitism through programs and services that counteract hatred, prejudice and bigotry since 1913. But we respectfully disagree with its knee jerk reaction to Cohen's Borat.

Borat, just might accomplish what the ADL has tried to do - creating a keen, effective mass awareness of our own prejudices with a smile. The INA also gives much more credit to the common man. We do not believe that Borat will simply fly over the cerebral elements of mankind or that the public is not "sophisticated enough to get the joke." Borat is making people laugh at themselves. Borat is forcing the media to educate the masses on the making of the movie. It will not only be those who live in Israel who will know that Borat is a Jew speaking Hebrew.

Cohen recently arrived in full Borat drag, in a cart pulled by four peasant women, taking the Toronto Film Festival by storm, holding a news conference outside the Kazakh embassy in Washington and, while accepting a magazine award, praising Mel Gibson, saying, "It is you, not me, who should receive this GQ award for anti-Jew warrior of the year."

As an American who lives and works in Israel, I and many other Israel Anglo Saxon's understand where Borat is coming from. We suffer from anti-Semitism, not from remarks made at a restaurant, or Nazi swastikas painted on our front doors, but rather from wars which are forced upon us.

Terrorism that one can view as Katusha rockets from Lebanon land in the North and Qassam missiles slam into our southern cities from Gaza. Israel lives daily with anti-Semitism as innocent civilians riding buses, walking through shopping centers and sitting at coffee shops become the targets of Islamic terrorism.

Recently this writer posted a story on one of America's finest and most respected Conservative Internet forums - FreeRepublic. Thousands of fine minds, caring Christian and Jewish souls who support democracy, free speech and Israel debate there on a daily basis. But one remark which was recently posted openly to me stands out in my mind: "I value the lives of American servicemen much more than innocent Israelis who die from terrorism."

My open response in that forum was that the remark was racist. It was not American. It was not Israeli.
It was plainly anti-Semitic.

And this is what the unsophisticated, dimwitted, boorish, sexually obsessed Borat is all about.
Of those who are truly anti-Semitic, most practice their hate in silence. Borat gets these same people to come out of the closet and then has the world view them as they are. So when Borat makes a visit to a gun shop in the US where he asks the proprietor, "What is best gun to defend against Jew?" we examine the response, we laugh at it and as a civilized society we correct it through education.

Borat is education.

Many are now taking Borat or should we say Sacha Baron Cohen and Fox to court.

Cohen has slammed the people who are trying to sue him and his production team over their depiction in ‘Borat’. Everyone from the villagers seen at the beginning of the film to the drunken teenagers Borat meets near the end tried to take the filmmakers to court as they felt they had been misrepresented. But Cohen has criticized them.

“This wasn't Candid Camera. There were two large cameras in the room. I don't buy the argument that: 'Oh, I wouldn't have acted so racist or anti-Semitic if I'd known this film was being shown in America.' That's no excuse."

The government of Kazakhstan has not been pleased being depicted as a poverty stricken nation of Jew hating rapists and prostitutes. Borat describes Kazakh wine as fermented horse urine and teaches a folk tune called Throw the Jew Down the Well.

In a recent press interview (which attracted more reporters than one given by the actual Kazakhstan president held at the same time) Borat threatened his country would "commence bombardment" of Uzbekistan cities with catapults if their anti-Kazakhstan propaganda did not cease. He also claimed that while he was studying "English, journalism, and plague research" to have "Made two new ones [plagues] that killed over five million goats in Uzbekistan." He also asked the Oklahoma City Traffic Commission to stand in silence for ten minutes to commemorate the 14th anniversary of the massacre, but only got about a minute and a half. In the meeting, which was broadcast live on local TV, he thanked them for letting him join the meeting and then asked to give "short speech" which lasted 17 minutes. The speech covered traffic and American democracy. He made several comments that dumbfounded the commission, including how the only women allowed into government buildings in Kazakhstan are prostitutes.

He was shocked to discover that American women have the right to vote, while horses do not, whereas in Kazakhstan, the opposite holds true. On said discovery, he recited the "chain of importance" — "God, man, horse, dog, woman, then rat, then small krutzouli" — to a female voter. When looking for a home in the US, Borat stated that his wife was afraid of "men with chocolate face," referring to black people. Some of Borat's interviews carry homoerotic undertones. Interviews can involve discussion of "khram" or the sexual preferences of the interviewee or other celebrities, such as Freddie Mercury. Borat enjoys not being politically correct as he touches and holds men, but has a noticeable aversion toward women. Often he will kiss men on the cheek (and occasionally the lips) but when approached by a woman he will shy away or merely offer a handshake, an example of this being his report on Henley Royal Regatta where he kisses all the male members of a winning crew but not their female coxswain.

The first fake-Kazakh vs. Kazakhstan showdown came after Borat made an appearance at an MTV Europe awards show last year. Kazakhstan's response, through foreign ministry spokesman Yerzhan Ashykbayev, was to threaten legal action against Cohen. Those savvy to the PR world know the inherent folly of attempting to combat sarcasm or satire with earnestness. Kazakhstan was not savvy. As could be expected, Borat's response was devastating(ly funny).

It features the now well-reprinted highlight:

"In response to Mr. Ashykbayev's comments, I'd like to state I have no connection with Mr. Cohen and fully support my government's decision to sue this Jew.... Kazakhstan is as civilized as any other country in the world. Women can now travel on inside of bus, homosexuals no longer have to wear blue hats, and age of consent has been raised to 8 years old…. We have incredible natural resources, hardworking labor, and some of the cleanest prostitutes in whole of Central Asia."

Kazakhstan's next attempt was only slightly less of a failure. Kazakh authorities suspended Borat's website, which originally had a dot-kz domain name. Association of Kazakh IT Companies president Nurlan Isin said to Reuters, "He can go and do whatever he wants at other domains." Which is, naturally, exactly what Borat did. Of course, by continuing to take the absurd seriously, Kazakhstan was playing right into Borat's hands. The in-character comedian showed up recently at the White House (camera crew in tow) to issue a press statement during an official visit by Kazakhstan president Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Kazakhstan has also begun a New York Times and International Herald Tribune ad campaign and there are reports that TV commercials are in the works. One feels for Kazakhstan but it's difficult to imagine the nation being on the losing end because of one telling detail about the whole scenario; though Cohen chose Kazakhstan for his fake character's real homeland, he could have used any one of the bordering nations without it affecting the joke at all.

But Kazakhstan's PR efforts suffered a set back recently. Kazakhstan's central bank printed millions of new notes - and misspelled the word "bank". Plans to issue the notes anyway, worth 2,000 tenge (£8) and 5,000 tenge (£20), and then gradually withdraw them to correct them provoked a political row.

Can bad PR equal good PR?
Kazakhstan should see this as a golden opportunity to put itself on the map in the minds of wealthy Western tourists. It is hard to argue that Borat may be harming the image of a country that had no image to begin with. And recent news indicates that Kazakhstan is finally coming to realize this.

An October 19, 2006, Reuters headline titled "Grumpy Kazakhs invite Borat to 'his' land, at last" and features Kazakh first deputy foreign minister Rakhat Aliyev saying, "I understand that the feelings of many people are hurt by Cohen's show but we must have a sense of humor and respect the creative freedom of others."

As for charges that Cohen and his crew had exploited the residents of Glod, Romania: a remote mountain outpost with no sewerage or running water, the INA senses attorneys at work. Looking for a quick buck to be made on the tail of Borat they have approached the many who appeared in the movie.
The villagers were paid and signed releases. So were all others who appeared in Borat.

The feelings in Glod though are running so high that journalists witnessed angry villagers brandishing farm implements chase out a local TV crew, shouting that they had enough of being exploited. It is small comfort that few, if any, of them will get to see the Borat film. Not a single villager had ever been able to afford a trip to the nearest cinema, 20 miles away. So if the villagers did not see the movie, perhaps attorneys chasing a buck did and went to the village in an attempt to incite and retain new clients.

In accepting his Golden Globes award last night, Cohen confronted those who were now greedy for his hard earned money with: "Thank you to every American who has not sued me so far."

Cohen has been successful in landing interviews with such luminaries as Newt Gingrich, Buzz Aldrin, Brent Scowcroft, Ralph Nader, Donald Trump and Sam Donaldson. While some of his guests have been good-natured about their appearances, a few have claimed they were misled. Others have complained that Cohen just goes way too far. In January 2006, Cohen's Borat drew the ire of several Jewish groups and Kazakhstan officials, after he led patrons of an Arizona bar in a song called "Throw the Jew Down the Well," which he declared was a popular ditty in his native land.

Borat was produced by Jay Roach (director of Meet the Parents ), who likens Mr. Cohen's comedy technique to the work of a gifted magician.

"You know it's a contrivance and that you're going to be fooled, but then there's this extra layer of reality that takes you past the amazement factor and to a place where you're not even sure that it's a trick anymore," he explains. "Sacha's a real student of comedy, so he's incredibly thorough." Born into a middle-class family in London, Cohen had early dreams of being a basketball player or a break dancer. He spent a year on an Israel kibbutz as a teenager and was a member of Habonim, a Socialist-Zionist youth movement that he jokes "basically meant that we shared our sweets." He was ambivalent about becoming a performer.

"I think I was embarrassed to admit to my friends or myself that I wanted to be a comic – it was sort of like admitting you wanted to be a model." At Cambridge, Cohen read history, spending a summer in the United States researching a dissertation on the prominent role Jews played in the American civil-rights movement titled "The Black-Jewish Allies: A Case of Mistaking Identity."

As the title suggests, he was already fascinated by the notion that irony and identity play a big role in cultural differences. "I was writing this at the time of the Crown Heights riots when the Jewish community was obsessed with black anti-Semitism," he explains.

"And I argued that this obsession came out of Jews feeling betrayed by their old blood brothers from the civil-rights movement. But while it was perceived in the Jewish community that Jews were disproportionately involved in civil rights, my conclusion was black Americans didn't see Jews as being more involved than any white Americans.

"The Jewish kids were all there in the South, but because they were there as part of church organizations like the (Southern Christian Leadership Conference), they weren't seen as Jews but as white liberals. So there was this deep irony that the Jewish establishment took martyrs like Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner" – two civil-rights workers from New York who went to Mississippi to register black voters and were killed by the Ku Klux Klan – "and used them as symbols of a Jewish-black alliance when, in fact, they didn't really see themselves as Jews at all." Cohen pauses, drolly adding: "The dissertation is a lot funnier than I depicted it."

Not long after graduating from Cambridge, Cohen found himself drawn to the early hip-hop scene in London, where he became a fan of a hip-hop DJ named Tim Westwood. "I'm sure he helped inspire Ali G," he says. "I'd thought he was black, because he sounded like a New York gangsta, but he was actually a tall, skinny white guy who was the son of a bishop." Soon Cohen was creating Ali G-style sketches for TV, which spawned the character that became Borat.

A stickler for authenticity, during filming for the movie he never washed his gray Borat suit and never wore deodorant. "The smell is an added thing for people to believe that I'm from a country where hygiene wasn't a necessity," he explains. By his count, people called police 37 times during filming, not counting the time Secret Service men showed up when he was outside the White House "figuring we must be al-Qaeda, since why else would two guys be driving around the White House in an ice cream truck."

His closest escape came in Louisiana, when a woman whose family had once been plantation owners was insulted by a question he asked her and instructed her husband to call the police. "We had 30 seconds to make our getaway in an ice cream truck whose top speed was 50 mph," he recalls. When asked what he said to insult her. He furrows his brow for a moment. "I'm not sure," he finally responds. "But I think I might have been trying to sell her some Kazakhi slaves."

The Cambridge University-educated Cohen said the real thanks for his award belongs to his fiancee, actress Isla Fisher: "She agreed to sleep with Borat for 10 months." Borat is said to keep kosher and observe the Jewish Sabbath, and Fisher, an Australian actress, has converted to Judaism.

A top Kazakh official recently extended an invitation for the British comedian: Come visit. Deputy Foreign Minister Rakhat Aliyev said in an interview that he understands why Kazakhs are unhappy about Sacha Baron Cohen's character, Borat. "But we must have a sense of humor and respect other people's freedom of creativity," Aliyev was quoted as saying by Kazakhstan Today. "I'd like to invite Cohen here," he said. "He can discover a lot of things. Women drive cars, wine is made of grapes, and Jews are free to go to synagogues."

Kazakhstan first threatened to sue over a song. Then they shut down his website. In its losing battle with a maverick comic, the government of Kazakhstan even took out full-page newspaper adverts to confront what it saw as damaging slurs. Kazakhstan has now made an abrupt change of public relations tack in its attempts to stifle Sacha Baron Cohen, the comedian who has made the oil-rich Central Asian country an international laughing stock. The deputy foreign minister, Rakhat Aliyev, invited Cohen to visit the country he has lampooned across the globe.

"We must have a sense of humor and respect for other people's freedom of creativity," he said. It was two years ago that Kazakh officials first learned of Cohen's new persona, Borat Sagdiyev, a Kazakh journalist from the state-run television network. It was created for his TV series Da Ali G Show. The character lampoons people in his supposed home country as primitive, anti-Semitic, anti-gypsy, sexist and stupid, a place where gays wear blue hats and horses are better treated than women, and which is constantly and comically at war with the inhabitants of neighboring Uzbekistan. Aliyev said: "I'd like to invite Cohen here. He can discover a lot of things. Women drive cars, wine is made of grapes, and Jews are free to go to synagogue.

"It's useless to offend an artist and threaten to sue him. It will only further damage the country's reputation and make Borat even more popular." His intervention is a measure of how little impact the counter-offensive has had.

In a laboured effort to show it had got the joke, Kazakhstan has enlisted its own comedian, playing Borat's "brother" Jantik, to go to the premiere. Jantemir Baimukhamedov, 33, Kazakhstan's most popular entertainer, will hand out free horsemeat sausages and tell the truth about his homeland. Last year, he first became a public thorn in Kazakhstan's side when he flew into the MTV Europe Music Awards in an "Air Kazakh" plane flown by a one-eyed pilot clutching a bottle of vodka.

Last month, Kazakhstan ran large adverts in the New York Times and other US papers along with commercials on CNN. The oil-rich state where boiled sheep's head tops the menu KAZAKHSTAN'S national drink, Borat claims, is fermented horse urine. Visitors are more likely to be offered Kumys, a favorite drink made of fermented mare's milk. Borat says that in his country women come after God, man, horse and dog in order of importance. In fact, women have had the right to vote in Kazakhstan since 1920. Horses are an important part of Kazakh life. The Kazakh national dish, beshbarmak, features stewed horse on noodles. Another traditional delicacy, koybas, is boiled sheep's head.

Borat claims to be the sixth-best known person in the country, while Kazakhstan's president, Nursultan Nazarbahev, is the third. At 66, Mr Nazarbahev has led Kazakhstan since 1990 and last year won a further seven-year term with more than 90 per cent of the vote. His eldest daughter, Dariga, is one of the most powerful figures in the country, controlling several TV channels.

Borat has described Kazakhstan's favorite past-times as disco-dancing, table tennis and rape. A favorite comic dance is actually the Orteke, where dancers imitate the movements of a panicking goat caught in a pit. The world's ninth largest country by area, Kazakhstan has a population of 15 million and is a major oil producer, pumping more than a million barrels of oil a day. Ethnic Kazakhs make up over half the population, while the Russians are a sizable and powerful minority, with smaller minorities of Ukrainians, Germans, Chechens, Kurds, Koreans and Central Asian ethnic groups. Almost half the country are Muslim.

The burden of being Borat took its toll, especially during months of filming when, to keep up the charade, he was Borat from dawn to dusk. "It was exhausting," he recalls, slumped in the booth, fighting off a nagging cold. "I had to be that way all day and all night, because even if the tiniest detail had gone awry, it could've made them suspicious. I mean, even if I went to the bathroom, I had to make sure I went to the bathroom as Borat."

And it appears that Borat may now be taking a well earned break. "I woke up one morning and I was quite hung over, and I accidentally shaved my mustache off. I realized I had no alternative," he said, seemingly serious, backstage at the Golden Globe ceremony.

Sacha Baron Cohen must be saluted by us all.
His creative, brave genius. His dedication to the values of defeating ignorance, prejudice and anti-Semitism through comedy and the use of mass media.
His unlimited energy has produced a "real cultural learnings of America for make benefit glorious Nation of the United States".

Israel's governmental public relations media consultants sitting at the Israel Foreign Ministry, the Prime Minister's Office and the Israel Defense Forces all need to take notes from Cohen.
How to think out of the box. How not to be politically correct all the time. How to push the envelope.

Borat's next envelope will most likely appear at the Academy Awards Oscars celebrations.
Winning public opinion and defeating prejudice through smiles and laughs is nothing new.
Just ask Charlie Chaplin, Dale Carnegie, Mark Twain or Ronald Reagan.


israel or no israel

introduktion idag i historia b. pratade lite om b-uppsatsen vi ska skriva. än en gång uppmuntrade lärarna oss att välja ett uppsatsämne som avhandlar lokal historia. än en gång sa jag att jag inte var intresserad av det.

jag vill skriva om israels historia.

det här kommer att bli en fajt. varför tar jag en sådan fajt?

the ipod currency

Kronan är kraftigt övervärderad mot dollarn, åtminstone när det kommer till mp3-spelare. Sverige har den tredje dyraste Ipoden i världen, visar nya Ipod-index.

CommSec Ipod Index, baseras på priser från januari 2007

1. Brasilien 327,71 dollar
2. Indien 222,27
3. Sverige 213,03
4. Danmark 208,25
5. Beligen 205,81
6. Frankrike 205,80
7. Finland 205,80
8. Irland 205,79
9. Storbritannien 195,04
10. Österrike 192,86
11. Nederländerna 192,86
12. Spanien 192,86
13. Italien 192,86
14. Tyskland 192,46
15. Kina 179,84
16. Syd-Korea 176,17
17. Schweiz 175,59
18. Nya Zeeland 172,53
19. Australien 172,36
20. Taiwan 164,88
21. Singapore 161,25
22. Mexiko 154,46
23. USA 149
24. Japan 147,63
25. Hong Kong 147,35
26. Kanada 144,20

Källa: Reuters

Big Mac-index, som mäter köpkraften i ett land genom att jämföra vad McDonalds populära Big Mac-burgare kostar på olika platser i världen, har fått konkurrens.

Efter att ha tagit prylfreakarna världen över med storm får nu Ipod sitt genombrott på den internationella valutamarknaden. En av Australiens största banker, the Commonwealth Bank, använder sig av Ipod Nano för att jämföra valutan och köpkraften i 26 länder världen över, skriver Nyhetsbyrån Reuters.

Jämförelsen visar att svenskarna hamnar på tredje plats där det är dyrast att köpa en Ipod Nano med 2 gigabytes minne. Här kostar den 213,03 dollar, motsvarande 1 495 kronor, jämfört med det billigaste landet Canada, där en Ipod Nano kostar 144,20 dollar, motsvarande 1012 kronor.

Tuffast är det att betala för sin Ipod om du är brasilianare. Där kostar den 327,71 dollar, motsvarande 2300 kronor. Det är en bra bit över vad en konsument i Indien betalar, 1 560 kronor.

Indexet visar också att den kinesiska valutan är betydligt högre värderad än den amerikanska dollarn. Trots att mp3-spelarna görs i Kina, kostar en Ipod 179,84 dollar, för den kinesiska köparen, jämfört med 149 dollar, som konsumenten får betala på den amerikanska marknaden.

gimme that now!

a memo leaked from apple (sources say...). the memo apparantly states that the iphone will be released in the u.k. october 07.

yay, that's ten months from now, like.

ett litet tips

för alla er som är fotointresserade... highly subjective.com

en utmärkt fotoblog med mycket fina bilder av paul burd.


killing myself with a translation

pappa bad mig översätta ett brev. det känns som att jag kommer ta livet av mig. farewell oh thy dirrty world.

let's go drinking in l.a.. i'll be standing there numb.

hello funky times

hello funky times. låt oss skratta lite. tagen från wwtdd.com:

Lindsay Lohans unrequited crush on Spiderman star James Franco may have been what pushed her over the edge and sent her into rehab. Franco reportedly shot Lohan down several times Monday night at a Golden Globes after-party, and Lohan ended up leaving in tears at around 3:30 am. At around 6 am, she was found passed out in a hallway at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel. She entered the Wonderland center rehab later (pictures below) that day. The Daily News quotes a source:
“Most people were in a good mood — except for her. She seemed lost. She was trying to get James’ attention, and he wouldn’t give her anything. She was smoking a lot, not drinking in front of him, and then she went into a bedroom. From there, she went back to trying to get James’ attention again, and he was ignoring her. She ran out crying, with the girlfriend following her.”

Well at least Lindsay didn't do anything embarrassing. Other than licking her fingers and telling James Franco she had sensitive nipples while he scrolled through his cell phone and said "…uh-huh." Rawr!

jag hatar svensk film

thought i might post some pics that i've taken recently. is anyone actually reading this? don't think so but i guess that's irrelevant. after all, this blog isn't here for your amusement - it's here for mine. doh... not that i don't appreciate my sister dropping by every now and then, because i do.

hörde bran van 3000 - drinking in l.a. för inte så länge sedan. älskar den låten. vill du kolla på videon så finns den här. lovely.

sluttier than all the other ones gillade babel. jag, som bor i världens ände, ringde min lokala biograf för att checka vad som går på bio just nu (babel hade idioten inte ens hört talas om). för en stund tragikomik, klicka här. igår hade (som nils-petter sundgren uttryckte det) ännu en svensk skitfilm premiär, rosa the movie. jag förstår mig inte på svensk filmindustri. vem i helvete vill kolla på sån skit? vad sysslar ni med egentligen? skänk brännmärkta pengar till kazakhstansk filmindustri i stället - lovar att de skulle lyckas producera bättre filmer än er. sagabio i härnösand visar perioden 26/1 - 2/2 fyra (av sex möjliga) svenska filmer (rosa the movie; underbara älskade; wallander nånting; och göta kanal 2). jag skäms över att bo här. hoppas ni går i konkurs snart.


just in: futurehorndog

justin just got liberated (and what does he do?). what a horndog he must be right about now...

"you know i'm hood so gimme dat chocolate lovin!"


the freak comes out at night

oh yes she does. vet inte vad jag ska skriva. tycker det är fruktansvärt. kommentarerna på digg.com (icke fashion-related...) skriver bland annat:

"Scarrier than ever? The pale coked out look is the new tan...get with it"

"She just has bad lighting and bad eye make up.
She is just the right weight and dressed hot."

"GAH! My eyes!!! The goggles do nothing!!!!"

"$5 says they are the next Michael Jackson. They're insane money will make them more and more bizarre over the years until they live in a fortress and look like E.T."

"Ok, c'mon now, seriously. I know gothic transvestites that look *way* better than that."

"OK, I'm working on a theory here. It involves the Olsen twins having died several years ago in a heroin-related gunfight, and the evil lifeforce that is Full House animating their undead bodies. I'm still working out the details. I fear I may already know too much."

"So I guess anorexia and crack really are bad for you huh?"

"Something's terribly wrong with that poor girl."

"it's kinda sad. both her & her sister were really pretty at one stage, the focus of much (in)appropriate lusting n'all. it's sad that they seem to have some kind of eating disorder or something along those lines & sad that they seem to think they look good & sad that the whole tawdry thing is exhibited in public."

this is what he saw

Ellinor har fått en unge!

I can not understand why the Spring is so late in coming,” said the Selfish Giant, as he sat at the window and looked out at his cold white garden; “I hope there will be a change in the weather.”

But the Spring never came, nor the Summer. The Autumn gave golden fruit to every garden, but to the Giant’s garden she gave none. “He is too selfish,” she said. So it was always Winter there, and the North Wind, and the Hail, and the Frost, and the Snow danced about through the trees.

One morning the Giant was lying awake in bed when he heard some lovely music. It sounded so sweet to his ears that he thought it must be the King’s musicians passing by. It was really only a little linnet singing outside his window, but it was so long since he had heard a bird sing in his garden that it seemed to him to be the most beautiful music in the world. Then the Hail stopped dancing over his head, and the North Wind ceased roaring, and a delicious perfume came to him through the open casement. “I believe the Spring has come at last,” said the Giant; and he jumped out of bed and looked out.

What did he see?

Grattis Elli! Vet dock ännu inte what kind it is... More info to come.

the pig man is no more

the pig man's season of glory has soon come to an end. the pig man is no more.

tagen från aftonbladet.

Dagens debatt är historisk. Det är den första med den borgerliga regeringen vid makten och den sista för förre statsministern Göran Persson, som numera går under namnet ”Göran Persson i Stjärnhov” i riksdagen.
Hans efterträdare inledde lite oväntat med ett hyllningstal till Göran Persson.
– Han väcker känslor och han hade inte kunnat debattera svensk politik på det sätt han har gjort om han inte varit en mycket kunnig person med en förmåga att driva debatt som ingen annan har gjort, sa Reinfeldt.
– Göran Persson är i grunden en mycket kraftfull person som kommer att saknas i svensk politik på många sätt och han kommer att lämna ett stort tomrum i det socialdemokratiska partiet.
Därefter läste han upp delar ur Göran Perssons inledningstal efter att han tillträtt som statsminister 1996.
– Jag kan skriva under på mycket av det.
Göran Persson, som lider av sin onda höft, var rörd över Reinfeldts ord.
– Jag blev så tagen av superlativen att jag var tvungen att hasa mig fram till den riktiga talarstolen. Tack för erkännandet, sa Persson.
Sedan gav han en känga åt utrikesminister Carl Bildt.
– Man lämnar ett tomrum efter sig och man ska nog inte komma tillbaka, det lär vi oss av den senaste tidens erfarenheter, sa Persson.
Fredrik Reinfeldt antydde att samma resonemang skulle kunna användas när det gäller Mona Sahlin, som i dagarna väntas få frågan om hon vill efterträda Göran Persson som socialdemokraternas ledare.

Därmed var det slut på de vackra orden. Göran Persson, stödd på en käpp, gick upp i talarstolen för sitt inledningsanförande och avlossade en rejäl salva mot den nya regeringens politik. Han kritiserade alliansen för att satsa mest på välbetalda svenskar och minst på lågavlönade lokalvårdare och ålderspensionärer. Han angrep även moderaternas miljöpolitik och gick till attack mot centerpartiet. Enligt Göran Persson har partiet gått från att vara ett samarbets- och folkrörelseparti till att bli ”Timbrohögerns och stureplansfolkets” parti.
När det var statsminister Reinfeldts tur för replik kallade han talet för ”typiskt för Göran Persson.”
– Kraftfullt, svavelosande och i grunden helt felaktigt, sa Reinfeldt och kritiserade sin företrädare för att bland annat ha avskaffat arvs- och gåvoskatten och för att ha infört spioner på Försäkringskassan för att komma åt bidragsfuskare.

Med ett par gummistövlar tackade miljöpartiets språkrör Maria Wetterstrand (bild nedan) den avgående s-ledaren Göran Persson för samarbetsåren.

– Han har aldrig varit otrevlig eller försökt trycka ner mig i stövlarna, sa Wetterstrand.
Centerledaren Maud Olofsson anklagade däremot Persson för härskartekniker.
Göran Perssons sista partiledardebatt i riksdagen blev inte bara politik och hårda ordväxlingar.
Det utbyttes också varma ord mellan Persson och ledarna för socialdemokraternas samarbetspartier - Lars Ohly, vänsterpartiet och Maria Wetterstrand, miljöpartiet.

Gröna gummistövlar
– Du har sått många frön för samarbete. Jag har upplevt att dina ögon har glittrat lite extra mycket när du har pratat miljöfrågor, sa Wetterstrand.
– Tyvärr är det ganska få inom socialdemokraterna som stått för ditt genuina intresse och engagemang i de här frågorna, sa hon och överräckte sedan ett par gröna gummistövlar prydda med en blombukett till den förre statsministern.
Även avskedet mellan Göran Persson och Lars Ohly blev varmt, om än mer skojfriskt.

Efterfest på Spybar
Vänsterledaren fyllde 50 år i dag och Persson mindes en annan vänsterledares 50-årsdag - Gudrun Schymans. Men det firandet hölls i Kungsträdgården med stjärnspäckad efterfest på Spybar. Persson undrade om det då skyhöga väljarstödet för vänsterpartiet kunde ha haft något samband med det mer glamorösa firandet.
Lars Ohly asgarvade innan han skakade hand med sin förre vapendragare.
Maria Wetterstrand kommenterade också talet om Göran Persson som en stöddig buffel.

– Han har aldrig varit otrevlig eller försökt trycka ned mig i stövlarna.
En av dem som Persson har vänt ryggen i debatter är centerledaren Maud Olofsson. Det kommenterade hon när det blev hennes tur att ta avsked.
– Vi har haft en och annan dust under årens lopp. Jag tror att många nu vet vad härskartekniker är för något, sa Olofsson och överräckte sedan ett litet grönt dricksglas, ett ”Maudglas” till den förre statsministern.


borat... nice!

sacha baron cohen vann en golden globe (bästa skådis) för borat i förrgår. det var han väl värd. han verkar vara en humble guy och riktigt trevlig. kolla in hans tacktal nedan.


some old photos

hade glömt bort dessa bilder. de tre översta togs under en bilresa till härnösand i emmas mammas skruttomobil. was a hell of a ride. jonas ser nästan rädd ut.

some pictures i'd forgotten

ska kolla på the departed i kväll. yeah that's right, slutties of all dutts. hope you enjoyed bond. muhahaha... hmm...

har hittat en sida (backingwinds.blogspot.com) har en hel del fina foton. väl värd att spana in. det ska finnas ett enormt panorama-foto av the new york skyline. check it.