chavez my bush

tjafset mellan george w bush och hugo chavez fortsätter. denna gång besöker bush uruguay samtidigt som chavez demonstrerar i argentina (granne till uruguay). nedan ett utdrag från the australian.
Mr Chavez staged a Bush protest in Buenos Aires, the Argentine capital just a three-hour ferry ride across the River Plate from Montevideo, where Mr Bush has arrived from Brazil as part of a week long, five-nation tour.
"The little imperial gentleman from the north must be across the river by now. Let's send him a big shout: Gringo go home," Mr Chavez told thousands of people gathered in a soccer stadium in Buenos Aires, prompting them to shout, "Gringo go home." Mr Bush himself will talk trade issues with Uruguayan President Tabare Vazquez, who came to office in 2005 as Uruguay's first left-wing leader and has carved out a moderate path.

i min mening så börjar chavez gå för långt. eftersom usa blir mer och mer medvetet om sitt beroende av venezuelas olja kommer de självmant söka minska det beroendet. att chavez uppträder så här bäddar närmast för att cia kommer in. det skulle inte jag ha något emot.

1 comment:

The Humanity Critic said...

It's just surprising that Bush hasn't taken the bait yet, like he usually does..